2 I have arrived

This Chapter deals with my first return visit to UCB Campus since 35 years back. This excursion was on Saturday 3 April 2010, just the day after my arrival in Berkeley. Campus was sizzling with activities – surprising for a Saturday!
To read the text with accompanying pictures, please press the Page Ikon below!
There is also a bonus article this time, where I describe my experiences with visiting Campus the very first time in September 1976.
To read it, please press the Bonus Ikon!
There are a lot more pictures for you to see here than are in the book! If you would prefer to start by looking at them as a slideshow, please press the Picture Ikon at the bottom.
To read the text with accompanying pictures, please press the Page Ikon below!
There is also a bonus article this time, where I describe my experiences with visiting Campus the very first time in September 1976.
To read it, please press the Bonus Ikon!
There are a lot more pictures for you to see here than are in the book! If you would prefer to start by looking at them as a slideshow, please press the Picture Ikon at the bottom.